Thursday, 1 February 2007

Hello??? HELLO!!?!?!!


Quite ironic how the game is called Final Fantasy. Game Over!! Hatcher has left the building... gone are the days I have to deal with the constant whining... I no longer have to try and entertain myself whilst waiting for a party invite.

No More!


Not so much completed more escaped.

The Matrix no longer has me!!


Fuck You Square Enix... You tried to take away my soul... I beat you...

I ... er...

Wow the real world kinda sucks.

You wanna know what great thing I did to resolve the empty feeling I now have inside??

I started playing Online Poker instead.

Yes, I didn't even make it outside. Outside is bad. Nasty Goblins outside. And Women that make the average Davoi Orc look mildly attractive. They are outside as well.

You know what I found out?? It's not legal to carry around a Great Axe outside.... those [GM]Police even get upset at carrying a dagger or a knife.

Yes! Inside is much safer... Boring, kinda lonely... no emo kids to upset ...


Ok I am bored now!!!


Should I choose Tarutaru Rat? Or Elvaan Dhalmel for my new character? I am a Manthra free zone!!

1 comment:

Kenric said...

"Should I choose Tarutaru Rat? Or Elvaan Dhalmel for my new character? I am a Manthra free zone!!"

Hey, we Elvaans take offense at that. >.>
Also I hear theres a way to get back your old character if you only deleted them like a month ago or something.