Tuesday, 16 January 2007

Another Fine Mess... The Beginning

Hello, and welcome to what will soon become the highlight to your day!!!

Well. where do I begin?

At the time of writing this blog I am a 29 year old Greek Cypriot guy living in what could only be described as the armpit of england. I have spent the past year in a job I grew to hate working as a Senior Analyst (Team leader / IT Manager) role. Playing way to much online games and watching the world pass me by....

When you deal with crazy at work and then again online at night and the only real reward from either is a numb ass and alot of headache something has to give...

So in true "one flew over the cuckoos nest" style (or prison break for you emo/uneducated people) I escaped!!!

No more running around half naked looking like the hulk... (Yes I do this in real life ... >.>)

No more standing around waiting for someone to help with an O-Hat run... (FFXI reference - dont worry about it)

And very soon... No more having to deal with the muppets that dont know the difference between a computer and a typewriter!!! Wayhey!!

I hope this blog will help you all share my new experiences I invite you to leave comments share ideas... laugh with me ... cry with me...

Just dont go emo on me because then I will just have to add a few more deeper cuts to different parts of your body!


Now Wheres my vodka gone....

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