Wednesday, 14 February 2007

Valentines Day Special...

Whats the big deal about the over commercialised 14th of Feb?

I mean really? do we need a day to tell us to send our loved ones a bunch of overpriced roses?

Where people go out and buy up everything with a heart shape on it?

I am sorry but not only is it yet another excuse for companys to take away your hard earned cash but its another way for your wife/girlfriend/mistress to scream and shout at you...

Girl: Wheres My Card?
Hatcher: Huh?
Girl: You forgot what day it is?
Hatcher? I am sure you are about to remind me....
Girl: OMG How could you forget? You Don't Love me ... *Moan* *Whine* *Bitch*
Hatcher: Do yourself a favour and take a hint.

So now you good people know why I am single!

Yes I have actually broke up with someone on Valentines Day before... I guess I am really THAT cruel and evil hearted....

Sorry truth be told I hate people who ask for shit. If i decide I wanna give you something then I will...


Especially on Valentines Day!

All that said... have a great day!

Thursday, 8 February 2007

Had You Hoping?

I had you hoping huh?

Hoping that Hatcher will rejoin and show you the way?

The prophecy will one day come true when the lord hatcher returns to show you all the light.

To help conquer the bad and the wrong, to laugh at the weak to slay the ....

Ok I will Stop.

All I can say to that? AS IF!

Nobody cared about my optical hat. I don't care about yours!

I am a free man. I am no longer restrained by the laws of the programmed realm. I am a God in the real world!

The outside!


The other form of windows!!!

Yes I know you need a different form of I/O device to get you there... no a mouse doesnt work...

Its called "legs".

Well anyways...

To give the people who do actually wanna hear about my life a bit of an update, the blogs kinda gone to shit. Time is not my friend.

I have been battling with the northern bastards and they keep sending hordes of orcs after me like they trying to make Lord of the Rings 4 or something...

I keep drop kicking them back home and nobody will let me nuke liverpool....

Roll on the end of March!


Not much else to report. Leave a comment or something


Thursday, 1 February 2007

Hello??? HELLO!!?!?!!


Quite ironic how the game is called Final Fantasy. Game Over!! Hatcher has left the building... gone are the days I have to deal with the constant whining... I no longer have to try and entertain myself whilst waiting for a party invite.

No More!


Not so much completed more escaped.

The Matrix no longer has me!!


Fuck You Square Enix... You tried to take away my soul... I beat you...

I ... er...

Wow the real world kinda sucks.

You wanna know what great thing I did to resolve the empty feeling I now have inside??

I started playing Online Poker instead.

Yes, I didn't even make it outside. Outside is bad. Nasty Goblins outside. And Women that make the average Davoi Orc look mildly attractive. They are outside as well.

You know what I found out?? It's not legal to carry around a Great Axe outside.... those [GM]Police even get upset at carrying a dagger or a knife.

Yes! Inside is much safer... Boring, kinda lonely... no emo kids to upset ...


Ok I am bored now!!!


Should I choose Tarutaru Rat? Or Elvaan Dhalmel for my new character? I am a Manthra free zone!!